

  • Proetin shakes are a great subsitute! You can find them in almost every flavor. They pleny of chocolate ones you can mix with milk and ice in a blender makes it almost ice cream shake like. Super yummy! Also another alternative Ovaltene or a chocolate substitute to add to your milk. chocolate milk is a great recovery drink…
  • One more thing, Keep up the great work!! Just because your not losing fast weight doen't mean your not doing your body right! Its a slow process just remember how long it took you to get where you are now! and although the road might be tough it will be worth it in the end. Its not just about weight loss its about being…
  • When you look back at all the fitness videos and fitness trends cardio has always been upfront but what people don't understand is running, while it gets your heart rate up its a constant. I use to run all the time and had the same problem I would even do the stair climber and still wouldn't see much of a result. It wan't…