jujubntx Member


  • I like Plant Fusion Chocolate, and also Vega One Chocolate. I usually mix them with almond milk.
  • I dislike when others say...."Oh, you can't have that." I usually reply nicely, ""Well, I can...but I choose not to eat that." I think for me one of the most encouraging things I can do as a vegan is remind myself and others that being vegan isn't about being perfect or pure (people often think it is just that). For me,…
  • Hi, all! I've been following a primarily vegan diet for about 14 months now. I started my veg journey primarily for health reasons after trying it for 8 month about 2 years ago. However, knowledge is power. The more I learn, the more I realize eating veg is more about compassion for myself, others (human and non-human) and…
  • H! I've been following a primarily vegan diet for 14 months now. I love it! Need to lose about 20 more pounds, but it's exercise holding me back. Would love to add some veg friends to share tips/recipes, etc. I'm an animal lover, and started a vegan diet primarily for health, but soon realized it really broadened my…
  • I bought the Kind Diet around the 1st of April, and have read it all except for all the recipes. I agree with you that eating a plant-based diet does really help cure cravings. I've had very few. The only time I've had any is when I've had a slip. The thing I like best about this book is that it encourages you to do the…