anibalrosario Member


  • (SamsungGalaxy y pro B5510L) Country: Argentina Interface: Spanish BUG: When instalation is update, general settings are modified (I had change to international units (Kg / meter/ etc.) and have to re-establish de setting after the instalation of beta version) INCORRECT TEXT IN BUTTON: When checking in weight, the "OK"…
  • BUG: When first accessing the application and being shown the ToS, there was no text. Only the "I AGREE" button. (SamsungGalaxy y pro B5510L) (Español) BUG: Cuando accedo por primera vez a la aplicación, me solicita la aceptación de términos y condiciones, pero no se lee ningún texto. QUESTION: Which place do I have to use…
  • YES. Is the best way to lose wheight in a healty way. It's clearly explained in the topics for news members. I'm also new. Read banks topic. I'm adapting to this concept right now. If your balance is below the minimun recomended, you are not going to loose weight.