

  • SW: 62.0 kg / 137 lbs CW: 60.1 kg (132.5lb) GW: 57.8 kg (127.4 lb) Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (5/02 Fri cuz I forgot to check yesterday): 59.8 kg / 132 lbs 5/03 Sat: May the 4th be with us: 60.1 kg / 132.5 lbs 5/10 Sat: whoops, missed one 5/17 Sat: 58.6 kg / 129 lbs 5/24 Sat: 57.8 / 127.4 WIKTORY! End of Month (5/31…
  • SW: 62.0 kg / 137 lbs CW: 60.1 kg (132.5lb) GW: 57.8 kg (127.4 lb) Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (5/02 Fri cuz I forgot to check yesterday): 59.8 kg / 132 lbs 5/03 Sat: May the 4th be with us: 60.1 kg / 132.5 lbs 5/10 Sat: whoops, missed one. probably ~59 kg / 130 lbs 5/17 Sat: 58.6 kg / 129 lbs almost there! 5/24 Sat:…
  • SW: 62.0 kg / 137 lbs CW: 60.1 kg (132.5lb) GW: 57.8 kg (127.4 lb) Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (5/02 Fri cuz I forgot to check yesterday): 59.8 kg /132 lbs 5/03 Sat: May the 4th be with us: 60.1 kg 5/10 Sat: 59.5 5/17 Sat: 5/24 Sat: End of Month (5/31 Sat):
  • SW: 62.0 kg / 137 lbs CW: 60.1 kg (132.5lb) GW: 57.8 kg (127.4 lb) Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (5/02 Fri cuz I forgot to check yesterday): 59.8 kg /132 lbs 5/03 Sat: May the 4th be with us: 60.1 kg 5/10 Sat: 5/17 Sat: 5/24 Sat: End of Month (5/31 Sat):
  • Five more pounds would put me about 30% closer to my goal. Holy cow, almost there! SW: 62.0 kg / 137 lbs CW: 60.1 kg (132.5lb) GW: 57.8 kg (127.4 lb) Weigh in Dates: Start of Month (5/02 Fri cuz I forgot to check yesterday): 59.8 kg /132 lbs 5/03 Sat: 5/10 Sat: 5/17 Sat: 5/24 Sat: End of Month (5/31 Sat):
  • You're probably eating more than you think you are. Whenever I stop logging and start again I'm surprised by how much I eat. You really have to mark down every single thing you put in your mouth that isn't water and be honest about your portion sizes. And then the hard part: staying under the calorie goal when you're being…
  • I'm sure you're all better now (see a doctor if you're not!) but it's a good question. How many calories DO you need compared to normal when you're sick? I mean, sure you mostly lie around all day, but that's because you're exhausted. So clearly you're using up a lot of calories, even when you've just got a really rotten…
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