

  • One of the best things you can do for yourself is start the C25k program. I used to run a little off and on a few years ago and my best distance (without stopping to walk) before doing the C25k program was about two miles. I took a few years off from running, but wanted to get back into it at a nice and gradual pace. I…
  • I absolutely LOVED these books. I had the same thought while reading them...kinda dark with the whole kids killing kids thing...but it is fiction, and that's the beauty of fiction. Being that it's just a story, I think it's safe to say your reading-age kids won't be permanently damaged from it. While telling my friend…
  • 5'11 and currently 205 lbs. My lowest was 171 lbs three years and everyone I knew was telling me that was too skinny, but I was wearing a size 10 pant and medium top...felt just right to me :) I have a large frame (6.8" wrist) so my goal this time around is 165 lbs. This time I plan on doing strength training with cardio…