

  • Don't like Victoria secrets... I have had better luck with Frederick 's. If the band is too tight try a bra extender if you can't loosen them up anymore. I have a set of them and use them for a few weeks and then the bra tends to stretch a bit and then I put them back in the drawer. If the band isn't tight enough the…
  • I had also had horrible cramps that I could not get out of bed let alone move. No exercise would not have helped because after taking 5 or 6 advil was I even able to move. Finally I switched doctors, she listen and recommend a hysterectomy. I have been pain free and once there were to get a peek they found out what was…
  • You are not alone! That is the hardest time for me as well. I find that I am hungry all the time and if I love my family I will eat because I turn into a horrible individual otherwise. Look at your goals as a weekly is okay to go over a bit one day and then your under the takes a week of a cutting 3500…
  • Your question regarding how long it took to lose my weight....well honestly it took a few months after I got really serious about tracking my food and hitting the gym. Anyone who has 50+ pounds to lose will certainly see the weight come off more quickly...but from your photo you do not look like you have that much. So it…
  • It really isn't a bad idea to weigh yourself daily and track it. Everyone is building up to their weekly weigh in and are soooo very disappointed. If you weigh yourself everyday you will learn a few things....are you simply bloated because of something you ate? are you dehydrated or retaining water? is it your time of the…
  • Didn't notice a change until I got down to my last 15-20 pounds... I think it might more to do with your overall body fat percentage and genetics. Once I started seeing my rib cage and collarbone it seemed like I blinked and mine shrank. I can't be sure how much I lost because I couldn't find a bra to fit but luckily I can…
  • You said you said you have lost inches!!!!!!!! That is your results! Don't overlook you are seeing changes because you are focusing too much on what your scale says. Congratulations! The more muscle you build the firmer you will look...a firm 130 looks much better than a sloppy 125. Wow!!!! That is great it took me months…
  • You didn't give enough information as to what you are I don't what to come off rude or anything...but I am assuming your a female because I have never heard of a man ask this question. Does your muscle mass get in the way of finding clothes? Does it make it difficult to get them over your thighs or sleeves over…
  • Ooooo... that stinks! I am starting in with night sweats....I think....hahahahaha....I had to have a few parts removed so I have no idea what is going on because I no visible evidence of a period or not. My only confirmation will be blood work on a good day or once I am close to finished. The females in my family are…
  • Depends on what I eat...but 3-5 pounds. I have a separate app on my phone to track my weight everyday but I only post a weight change when I see the same weight for several days...and then I post the last weight that stopped coming up on the scale. So my scale might say 147 for several days...but I won't post it until I…
  • The faster you lose it the faster you will put it back! If you are too focused on your goal you could be adding a great deal of stress to your body and you certainly will not lose any weight. There lots of different reasons you are "stuck" Are you eating back your calories? MFP is often wrong...don't recommend eating all…
  • Yes we cry! We just prefer to do that in private! Too many women especially think in order to lose weight you need to eat is a myth. We need much more than salad and many of them have more calories than a cheeseburger (if you are eating out ) This is about a change in lifestyle and once you lose the weight you…
  • Is this an everyday thing...or a monthly thing? Some women with troublesome PMS can have issues once a month...also other health issues can come into play. But if these do not apply... exercise will help get things moving, extra shot of some coats the bowels (and before someone disagrees a doctor has given this…
  • Wow...I am a little concerned actually. I am also 5ft 6in...and my doctor doesn't want me to lose much more and I am at 148 right now...I was told not to drop below 135. You didn't mention your age but I am 39 and I am pushing to lose my weight before menopause sets in and packs on that 10 or 15 pounds everyone talks…
  • What are they doing for hormone replacement? What medications are you taking? Have you been in touch with your doctor lately? Sounds to me like your fighting a losing battle right now. Sorry to hear your not making progress as hard as you are trying. I think this is an issue that will be better addressed with some blood…
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! It is difficult to do what we are told to do...we act like children at are right we are the only one standing in our way! We all get there one step at a time...but some people tend to run! Keep going you are proof it works!
  • The scale should not be your only source of measurement. If you can actually see changes than you certainly on the right track! You men are soooo lucky you can put on muscle that quickly... I am jealous! We have hormonal shifts...children and all sorts of baggage :laugh: Take photos, use a measuring tape, the same scale…
  • Body fat is sooooo incredibly hard to measure! The last time I had them check mine it went up...yes I said UP! By like 2% ouch!! However it is only one method of many that you should using. Take photos (for you to see) wear the same thing if you can...use a tape measure, measure everything!!!! you will see changes in the…
  • A pound a week is great! Congratulations on your progress! The closer you get to your goal weight the more that number will slow down so you will have to work a bit harder. It sounds like you have a lot of support at home while many other members do not. Many of us have small children at home which we all know that equals…
  • The more your body composition changes (body fat/ muscle...etc) the more your body's needs change. It is a good idea to take a honest look at you diet and exercise program. Make sure you are working just as hard as you were when you were 200 lbs. Some people slack off without realizing it...not saying you have...just…
  • Interval training is a great way to burn more calories but it isn't necessarily easy to do if you are just starting out. If you can only do 15 mins try taking a break for a few minutes and get back on. It will help you build endurance too. I do interval training on the elliptical machine. I change my speed not resistance…
  • Yep! My children are the same way...we drink our breakfast too. I always feel sluggish if I eat my breakfast so I prefer to wait until after the gym...or lunchtime.
  • You should be glad they missed the point....I won't encourage what "that guy thinks" and won't give them any of my hard earned cash!
  • has been proven time and time again how unhealthy this stuff is and this debate continues. Great stuff!!!! I too indulge in take out from time to time but I am not believing in anyway that it is getting me to my goal any faster. Love some of these comments, funny stuff!
  • I am with you on that! I have tried eating the brown rice and still prefer white. It is a texture thing for me as well...and if it is the worst thing on my plate oh well.
  • I hate to say this.... but bahahahahahahahahahahahaha....this is hilarious. I have been giggling the whole time I have been reading. Everybody coming to the defense of these poor helpless million dollar fast food chains.
  • Never thought of that one! I need to eat more yogurt and I don't care for the Greek so much...too thick. I use it as a replacement for sour cream but never considered adding protein powder. Sounds interesting... what brand are you using? Is it a meal replacement or protein powder?
  • Whatever you don't bake one! Cookies are my weakness and my daughter just made some and they are so delicious thank goodness I have help around here to make them disappear ;) When you crave the cake what is it you are really after??? Is it texture or taste? Chocolate cake is a difficult one to fake...muffins are close for…
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