I hope you won't let it stop you from enjoying the support and kindness from all of the others. It would be nice to have a block ready if needed
I hope this helps. My grandmother had 7 children and did need and have the surgery and it did work. I would just recommend doing your homework for a doctor that you are comfortable with. In the meantime know that you are definitely not the only one.
You have amazing results! Thank you for sharing it is very inspirational
I am very inspired after seeing these before and after pictures! Thank you for posting them :)
ok this may sound silly to some....Dr. Oz gave the advice to those of us with hypo, heat up your vegies. Metabolism is slowed so cold raw veggies only take that much longer. Have not practiced it yet...
well hopefully I was able to help you recognize the symptoms should hashimoto kick in. thank you for sharing the article. Prior to staying home with my kids, I worked in research. Haven't seen a journal artical in over a year!
Hello! I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis as well. It is actually a genetic condition that can be turned on with the birth of a child. That is what happened to me only I did not know it. I only knew the syptoms: hair slowly going curly, dry and eventually falling out and my hands developed white patches too. 13 years later my…