VagabondAndrea Member


  • @sbracken, I have started a list and I checked it twice. IPA, chocolate stout, pizza, and a iced soy vanilla latte here I come...on Saturday. Making a list definitely made me realize that these items are not off limits for an extended amount of time, and it gives me something to look forward to! 2lbs down so far this week,…
  • Came so close to quitting, but I didn't. It's almost Saturday, so I can wait till then. Today, my 4th day was definitely a lot harder than the last 3 days. Today I am very achy, and my "I cannot have it" button almost broke, but it fixed itself :smile: One more day till Saturday!
  • Thank you guys for the warm welcome! I love to cook, so for me I am actually having a fun time with this. I am re-teachig myself to cook with fresh flavors to accommodate with the strict guidelines. I am starting to wonder how an egg on top of a small black bean burger with salsa and cilantro might work out for breakfast.…
  • Wow circadianswing, amazing difference between the two pics, great job! So far yesterday went very well, I ate pretty much the same thing as the first, minus the curry. Today, I woke up ravenous, but I cooked my breakfast (just a 2 egg omlet, 1/2 cup kidney beans, and hot salsa) instead of wanting to grab a quick bowel of…
  • Hello all, I'm Andrea. I just started today after purchasing the book last night. I only have 10lbs or so to loose, I am really active, and unfortunately love food way too much to loose anything. I maintain well, just don't loose well. I like the go big or go home concept, strict throughout the week with a day to eat all…