I go to a regular fitness class. Love the facility, all the trainers and the participants. Today's workout was the PBR (Professional Bull Rider) based work out. 8 kcal on the bike 8 pushups 8 box jumps 8 plate rows (use a plate to row instead of dumbbells) 40 yard sled push 8 plate press (same plate, overhead press) 8 sets…
I recently started on an inhaler. At first it was an as needed one but now am on a daily inhaler. I can breather during workouts! I thought it was just because I was overweight and out of shape. Yes, a contributor but not the whole story. In my fitness class today, our main activity was 50 skips on the turf (harder to skip…
I would recommend without bands to start. Using bands can lead you to activate your quad and other muscles first rather than focusing on the glute. They can be quite difficult to accomplish without the band if there isn't the activation. If you want to use bands, you can do this exercise from a standing position as well.…
I don't have LPT but I do have problems with my sacrum tilting. It leads to lots of tailbone pain especially when I am sitting. My chiropractor and trainer recommend clamshells and they really help. The key is to keep the ankles together and use the glutes and not the quad to lift. You will likely notice one side will not…
If you have more than one gym available, I would recommend doing intro passes to different ones to get the right feel and fit. A lot of them have one week unlimited access for a small amount. That way you can see if it is good for you. Each gym can be different - some are very lifting focused, crossfit, classes etc. An app…
Today I had supper with a friend and I got the regular size quizno sub instead of the large. Probably should have gotten the small but small victories. I also came home and did an hour on the elliptical which I had promised myself this morning when I was "too tired" to get out of bed and do it before work. Thanks for…
Sometimes it helps to brush your teeth immediately after you have had a meal. It might sound silly but if I do that, then I tend to not want to eat again. Especially if the food item is something that reacts badly with toothpaste (oranges or orange juice comes to mind, blech). Plus you get an added bonus of better dental…
I don't understand why you wouldn't track it. Like others have said, if I ate it, then I need to track it and own up to it. The tracking is for me and not a competition with anyone else to see what I did or didn't eat. For me, tracking helps me to see where I went wrong and then using some cognitive behaviour therapy…
I am 5'9" and currently am 220. I started at 230 and have been very slow but making progress. I do need to do better at committing fully to my program. My goal is 165. I would like to say 145 which is where I was before I had my daughter 21 years ago but want to be realistic.
One thing that I like is a breakfast burrito. I scramble an egg and microwave it. I put a bit of salsa and shredded cheese on a whole wheat tortilla. Once the egg is done, put it on top of hte cheese (helps to melt the cheese) and then roll it up. Easy to eat too since no utensils are required. Once in a blue moon I will…
Hi, This is my first post ever and I felt very strongly that I wanted to recommend breast reduction. I had mine in 1996 after I had had both of my kids. It was, by far, the best decision I have made regarding my body. I was a 44DD and am now a 38C or so. It does fluctuate based on weight gain but I am so much more…