MicheleMMK Member


  • Hi Debbie! I could have written your post too. Feel free to add me. I do feel like with the goal I have, it's the distance of a marathon, so it's OK to coast a bit when you need to, but to just keep chipping away, being aware and moving more, eating less when you can. Best of luck to you! You can get there.
  • Great replies! I need to get back at it. Tips from a still-trying-several times over person: I go so slow that turtles could pass me. But running uses different muscles than walking, so even when you're going slowly, you're training those new muscles. I found that the Treadmill is 10x easier to progress on than outside.…
  • Best of luck to you and congrats on your newest little one! I'm embarrassed to say my youngest is 4, so I not sure I can call it baby weight, but I am working to drop the additional weight I kept on after 3 pregnancies. We have similar numbers/goals. Please add me if you want!
  • Good luck Amber! I could have written a lot of your post. I'm back here again, hoping to overcome the excuses and bad habits and make it work. Feel free to add me (and anyone else in the thread who is on the same path) Michele
  • I would love to join. I need all the inspiration I can get!
  • Welcome! You'll love it here. Sent u request. I'm 42 Mom of 3 with similar goals!
  • Oh wow, Congrats! Love your sense of humor too. Very motivating thread. Congrats to all of you dropping BMI's and categories, so awesome!
  • I would consider it closer to your goal weight, as I remember my Plastic surgeon saying smaller breasts will make everything else look bigger :). And I was 5'3" and 140 at the time...oh to be that what I thought was "fat" again... I had mine when I was 30, should have done it years before that\.. I had horrible neck and…
  • Wonderful progress! Oh I'm a fan of Goldens!
  • 1 TBL Nestle semi sweet morsels or melted and drizzled on strawberries or grapes
  • Wow, so many c-section Mommies. Great thread with hope for me too. I had 3 c-sections, my last was 3 years ago. That pregnancy nearly did me in. I was horribly sick and pretty inactive (except for chasing my two others), ended up with Gest. Diabetes. Lots of stress and weight gain after his birth and here I finally am to…
  • Wow! What an inspiration. My starting point was the same-190 and three kids. I'm at the beginning of my journey, so excited to see real results!
  • Me too! And congrats on your month long commitment. Ten lbs is terrific! A neighbor just invited me to a Zumba class she attends. I can't wait to try it out, but I'm worried I'll look like an uncoordinated fool! We're about the same height and weight and goal. Best of luck to you.
  • I'm sorry for the dx. I had it with my last baby. It was tough to keep it up, but I remember eating lots of cheese, nuts & other protein rich snacks. Mine gave me carb limits for each meal and snack. It seemed easier that way. 30 grams for breakfast, so I could easily have oatmeal or Thomas Lite English Muffin (the one…
  • Perfect for me. 5'3" and 190
  • WOW, thank you for sharing! Looking amazing already. What hope I have. My beginning story would sound very similar to yours and our pics would be similar. I gained alot and kept it on with my third "baby: who is now 3 years old... I'm 189 now and ready to shed this weight, mostly carried in my mid section. Keep up the…