

  • Having strict regulations on advertisements would be a start, yes. What I really want is unattainable in the foreseeable future, which is a complete overhaul of corporations. Eliminate the food and beverage companies that create foods that are bad for us. We've stopped marketing cigarettes towards children, yet sugary and…
  • I've been told by a personal trainer that eating something like greek yogurt (or cottage cheese, like another poster said) is the best option at night because it has enough protein in it that it will keep your metabolism going throughout the night while you're sleeping. That way, your metabolism doesn't slow down and you…
  • I find it a bit alarming that so many people are blaming the parents if their children want a sugary drink instead of water. Yes, parenting plays a part. But have you all forgotten how advertisements work? Remind yourselves why you're here: to get healthy, to lessen illnesses, to live a better life, to live longer. But I…
  • I'm definitely a pear shape and it runs in my family. I'm hoping to lose weight so I'm not such an obvious pear! Unfortunately I gain all my weight in my midsection, so people have asked me on a couple of occasions if I'm pregnant. It's embarrassing! I need to get rid of my food baby haha.
  • Southwestern Ontario!
  • I was having a lot of serious heart issues (it's congenital) and as a result I was - and still am - suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I spent about 7 months in my house and on the couch. I finally had heart surgery in March and started to feel better overall. I am also getting the counseling I need to deal…