Relax give it time. The body doesn't adjust right away. Worry about it if you haven't shred the weight in 30 days.
seriously? you're THAT bored?
How cute are you! Congrats!!!!
Thanks! I know my body goes through phases and I entertain them so if it needs less for now so be it and when it needs more it will tell me. So with that being said, this eating less thing is definitely not a full lifestyle. When I eat out, I eat! :)
This was from the summer, at my heaviest (size wise) I think I had to get a size 14 swim top when normally a 10-12 would do.
Agreed! You didn't even look 188!
Agree. I figure a 30 minute work out will yield around 300+ calories. However that's on the 'weight loss' or 'manual' one. When I chose "cardio" OMG did that work me out and in 30 minutes burned70 calories! Plus it's easy on the knees.
I love Bud Select, but only the regular and even that is 99 calories. The 55 is like p*sswater to me. I know, very classy. I do love me some Sam Adams seasonal though...mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Thanks again for all the feedback. Since November I have been religious about drinking my 8 glasses of water a day, typically before 3p (while at work) so I am not dehydrated, but I am fairly positive it's to do with the drinking. I am getting married in 12 days so am cutting out drinking and excess sugars and carbs (minus…
Could also be excessive drinking since everyone of my friends is getting married, having bachelorette parties, showers, or a Wednesday.
Thank you to everybody's replies. I am 5'7 and have really been keeping track since only mid July though been working out regularly for a year (however, food intake was bad at that time) Ideally I'd like to be in the 160's though according to medical charts I should be in the 150's but that's unrealistic for me to maintain…
Seriously? this is a fitness website. Use it for what it's made for. geez. FYI, pro-gay.
Awesome, a true inspiration. I"m only down 1.2 pounds since I started my goal last weekend, but this will def encourage me more!
MtnKat... Philipino?
That's what I'm saying! Glad someone else noticed that too.
I find this very motivating because while everyone says I look fine, I'm 175. Seeing how you put on and lost weight, you're the closest person to my body type I've ever seen and it makes me feel good knowing I can look as good as you! BTW, even in your HS picture, you don't look bad. You must be pretty tall. Great job…
Using this tool should help you figure it out if you are putting in the foods honestly. You might also just be seeking attention. Who joins a site like this and says they want to quit?