

  • That is wonderful...God Bless you.
  • Have you tried Wendy's chicken berry almond salad...wow it is good and full size is in the 400 calorie range. My better half is often gone at dinner time too and it makes it easy to eat something really bad for me. This salad has helped me a lot.
  • I think I like your suggestion the best. Thanks so much
  • Well you never know....I could see her clothes and shape of her body but could not move my head enough to look directly at her.
  • I like your progress bar. Hey if you want interviews you have to be hungry and be a little annoying. Find out who is the hiring person and get to them somehow. They worst they can say is stop bothering me. I have gotten several jobs with this "I am so hungry to work here I would do anything" attitude.
  • Such a great story. God performs many wonderful miracles. It is hard to believe so many people don't believe. Have a great day!:wink:
  • Thanks so much for the information. I have been on this diet for about 90 days with success but I am looking for something that is fast, great tasting and will keep me full for a while.
  • I am a bisquit lover too. My breakfast almost everyday is a Mc Donald's egg bisquit sandwich. No cheese or anything else. I savor that every morning for 360 calories and satisfied my bisquit/bread craving for the day. The egg sandwich stays with you for about 4 hours so it keeps those snacks away too. Breakfast always…
  • I have a pretty pitcher and matching cup on my desk. It helps me to think about it. I fill the pitcher every morning and watch how I am doing as the day progresses. I keep some very spicy snacks in my drawer if I am not drinking. That helps to get me restarted again.:smile:
  • Stop drinking alcohol...I saw one of your pictures with a big drink. Those are the worst calories.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    in This is BS. Comment by drateno May 2012