If you go to the mini marathon website (or just google "training for a mini marathon") you'll find their training guide. You can print out the walk/run or run/walk training schedule (depending on whether you want to walk most of it or run most of it) and follow what it says. It works wonderfully--just take it one week at a…
Thank you, everyone, for all of your wonderful comments. was the Indy mini--so many people there! Less than one percent, huh? How cool is that? Thanks again....I feel so accomplished! : )
I just started eating about 85% raw on October 1st. I must say, I feel better, lighter, and have more energy. I've only lost 3 pounds eating this way--but I lost over 5 inches. I began eating raw because I reached a plateau (had lost 40 pounds and no more!) and wanted to try something different. I am going to stick with…