Hi, I'm Trish, recently moved to Austin, TX about a year and a half ago. Started going to planet fitness over on slaughter. Hope everyone is doing good.
I just started mine on sunday, today is day 2, and so far I love it. I worked out with Anja yesterday for Butt Hips and Thighs and she did an amazing job cause I feel it this morning.
It's beautiful, I say if you do cut it, donate it.
I was also recommended doing bariatric adantage and Unjury. They exclusively told me it has to be 100% whey protein isolate. well That's a bit on the costly side, so I got some 100% whey protein from GNC. it wasn't good. However, after surgery my taste buds changed, and the stuff I did like, I now cannot stand. In fact I…
Wow that's crazy, definitely something you don't hear them say. I would think with as much working out as they do, they would eat more. Interesting.
I love stories like these. I bet you looked beautiful!!
You my friend are a rockstar!! Keep at it!
I actually didn't have to do a diet before surgery, just the dreaded 2 week all liquid diet. And I actually lost i think 6lbs from that leading up to surgery, I know people that have lost more from it.
oh wow, glad you're doing better though
lol so true about the hair growth EVERYWHERE. anyways i take 2 multivitamins, a b12 sublingual, and 2 5000mcg biotin, and a calcium citrate chewable from bariatric advantage. And this is all when i remember. for some reason i think i dont have to take vitamins on the weekend
People are shocked that I'm a red haired freckled face girl :)
Yeah i'm lucky if I get in 2 cups. I've been told to have the cup in front of me at work. Well I do that, and then I see that the damn cup is in my way so i move it. every time. The MIO things do help though
I don't count them as calories cause when I scanned them in, it doesn't list any.
I love maurices
and may I just add, that I LOVE the dress you're wearing in your picture
Well first off, Congratulations! I've never been pregnant, but I did have a friend that had her surgery about 6 weeks before me, and she actually got pregnant 6 weeks after she had surgery. I think the weight she did lose finally helped her get pregnant. She was still able to lose weight during her pregnancy and recently…
I admit I've read them, and loved them. Are they the best written stuff? Absolutely not, but I have apparently become obsessed in casting who I think should be in the movie, and I'm apparently serious about it too lol
i'm taking 2 5000mcg tablets every morning of the biotin. yeah it was very much scary that it was coming out at such an alarming rate, but it's just hair and a small price to pay for this wonderful journey.
I wish there was a website established to donate clothing. I donated bags and bags and bags of clothing to the goodwill. Course me being that person that doesn't notice when i'm losing weight, took my underwear falling off at work for me realize "oh you know maybe i have lost weight". So the down part is you'll have to get…
Unfortunately you'll get those that support you and those that don't. Of course the ones that don't most of the time are saying things like "i know someone that died from that" well statistically you have a better chance getting hit by a bus. With all surgeries there are risks. I remember myself saying "well if i do die,…
I had quinoa once for the first time ever shortly after surgery, and also my first time making it. i ate it, seemed ok, then about an hour later i started salivating a ridiculous amount. next thing i know i was in the bathroom throwing up. Seeming how ive never cooked quinoa before and probaby didnt make it right but it…
I've had it done on 8/9/2011, and no regrets.
I've baked it, cooked it in a pan with a little bit of olive oil and even grilled it on my george foreman grill. Turns out good every time.
I'm late in joining but i'm in! Current weight 196, goal weight by Halloween is 186. Not shooting for a big loss cause I don't wanna let myself down :)
Topeka, Kansas
I think i was going the route of trying not to tell people but when I had to start my 2 week liquid diet before surgery it was pretty much out there. They all handled it well and was very supportive. It's other friends I have i'm not so sure about telling. Close friends yeah, but those friends i talk to just a few times a…
Congratulations!! I just had my 1 year on August 9th, what a difference
First off, CONGRATS on the weight loss. I'm almost a year out and I'm lucky if I can reach 800 calories a day. I'm supposed to be between 1000-1200 a day, so i'm curious as to how you're doing it cause i would love the tips. I think maybe your'e at a stall. I was at a stall too for a long while, right when it starts moving…
I'm 30 and i'm often told i look anywhere between 15 and 21