nicdorda Member


  • Irving!
  • I don’t post a lot but I’ve checked out your diary and honestly, I struggle with sugar addiction as well. Halloween is the worst! Lots of people have just said cut the crap and exercise and you’ll see results. I agree. However, I admit, it’s hard! For the last five years I’ve been about 280lbs. I spiked up to 315lbs last…
  • I am a WW Dropout. I actually loved going to meetings. The location I attended was very supportive. I lost 15 pounds with WW. However, when I started lifting weights, my weigh ins weren’t consistent even though I was losing inches. They kept trying to push me to buy the WW food to “stay on track” but I really wasn’t a fan.…
  • I used to love Zumba, but the classes were always too crowded. Last month, I decided to change things up and try Turbokick. Now Zumba feels too easy and I don't break a sweat.