

  • I drink diet pepsi alot 2-3 cans a day. but i have heard that it can effect your wieght loss something about hte carbs and it keeps u blotted. i know i went 2 weeks without one pop and i felt so different and i lost like 4lbs..but i just can't give it up either i get this really bad headache.
  • that's awesome that yor little girl will be 10!! God is so wonderful in everything that He does! I know you can do that last 20lbs just keep at!!
  • Hey my name is Heather I am 24 years old. Been married to the love of my live Travis for 4 years. I have 2 beautiful daughters, Chloe who is 3 and Breea who is 6 months. After i had Chloe i shot up to my highest weight, during the pregnancy with Breea i was under m pre-pregnancy weight the entire time and lost 20 lbs…