The only thing that would make me not want to try it is I would be concerned it might lower my metabolism
Someone with a realistic outlook^ Not once did I claim that this didn't contain processed food, jeez. As the above person has mentioned (thanks) I do not expect, nor do I advise, anyone to eat only the things on this list. Bottom line, I made this list to help people out. If you don't agree with it, fine. Everyone has…
- Pizza bites recipe at only 12 calories each (not my recipe) x
People on the Internet this day and age really love finding any way to put people down, don't they? If you don't like the list, fine. For the people who have recognised and thanked me for the time and effort I put in to this, youre all welcome. I am so glad to help anyone and I'm glad you appreciate it. Another thing I…
I'm not suggesting by this list not to have a balanced diet, I'm just suggesting alternative to some temptations that are high in calories. Having these things ALONG WITH a balanced diet is harmless. Well, that's just my opinion anyway. And not all of these things are processed or artificial. The cereal I mention is…
at least you're not a guy and get a boner when you work out with her, that would be awkward as ****
Whatever works for you, my friend.
Okay i have added the official website at the bottom of every paragraph for the things with specific brands, for anyone who is seeking more information about these products. xxx
I'm not sure to be honest, try going on the brands official sites and see if they say where they stock them. Or try amazon. (IF ANYONE KNOWS IF YOU CAN GET THESE THINGS IN THE U.S, OR SIMILAR ALTERNATIVES, PLEASE COMMENT!)
I was spectacle about the Miracle noodles too at first, but if you go on their official site it shows various different media outlets where they've been mentioned. ( ) which includes Rachel Ray (a well known american talk show) and various magazines and news channels, along with…
Thanks for focusing on the negatives, i mentioned they were obvious. YOU'RE WELCOME.
Thanks guys! but what the hell does bump mean? lol im new here
If you want to make it with milk (because we all know water isn't as nice!) you could try having it with alpro light soya milk at 22cal/100ml ... It's not the same as normal milk on its own but I have it with hot choc and cereal and it reduces the calories a lot! :) (its also just as nutritious as normal milk!)