Everyone is a little bit different, but here is a thought or 2 that helped me. 1) Cravings are not always what they seem. When my diet is deficient in protein I have big troubles with cravings & food binges. It is like my body knows it is missing something it wants, but doesn't tune the urge very well. I added 1 or 2…
Hey, anyone can crash-diet-off 10 or 20 pounds -- to live healthy and take off 91 pounds takes determination, brains, and maturity. You've done it and you can keep on doing it. There will be slumps -- everyone has 'em. It's the determination to pick yourself up and get bad on the program that will make you a continuing…
I'm really impressed that you lost so much weight. This represents a real commitment by you day-by-day and week-by-week. I wish you the very best and continuing your healthy lifestyle. God bless!