

  • So happy for you! You will do great!
  • Well, you can look at it this way. You'll be saving gas money, time, & wear and tear on your vehicle by going to the 1 down the street instead of driving to the 1 further from your home. That's just my perspective. Time is a precious thing: you'll be saving 20-30 min. round trip.
  • Awesome! Keep up the good work. We CAN do this!!!
  • Hi! I feel your pain. I always think I look so much better until I see a picture of myself. It is very frustrating. I don't know if I look at myself through rose-colored glasses or if the camera really does add 5+ lbs. Anyway, you should be really proud of yourself-10 lbs. is awesome! Don't let this get you down.:drinker:
  • Hi! I have done the Isagenix 30 day program and really liked the results I got with the system. I just quit using it as I had some GI problems. I love the shakes, yummy with lots of protein! Never have tried the 9 day system.
  • Sargento's has really good reduced-fat cheeses. I've tried the Pepperjack and ColbyJack cheeses. They are 50 calories and 4 grams of fat for each slice. I don't do the fat free cheese. These are made with 2% milk. Hope this helps!
    in cheese Comment by ragos97 June 2009
  • I'm late getting into this challenge but still have plenty of time to lose 20 by 8/31-right? I just started yesterday but have already lost some-yea!!!! SW: 185.6 CW: 184.4 GW: 135 Workout goal: 25 min/5 days a week Workout: 25 min yesterday elliptical trainer Best wishes everyone!
  • Thanks-the support here is awesome!
  • Hi! I just started today with this awesome website and message boards. I would love to get in on this challenge. I know I definitely need the extra motivation and accountability. Great idea! Age:35 Starting Weight: 185.6 Current Weight: 185.6 Goal Weight: 135 Working out: 5 days/25 min