

  • Hi Mike, Pointers?! I usually just drag behind the wagon trying to stay in!. I started P90 with Brent a while back and have had a rough time with arm strength, but I can finally do pushups, etc.!!! I made i through P90 in a bit longer than 90 days, and have been makeing various runs at P90Masters for a while........and…
  • I'll check in. I've been repeating week two for a while now!. Very hectic schedule at work for the moment leaves me a Masters "part-timer". So, perhaps checking here. will help challenge me to work it it more diligently. I'm part time through the week, but will sign off now and have a go at it! I did P90, and had a great…
  • Congratulations, you are on your way!
  • Add me to the list of Power90 fans! It helped me jumpstart my fitness progress, which had been in sedentary decay for years. Combine it with attention to nutrition, and do it regularly for excellent results. Finding a group of online friends going through the program was much better inspiration than I ever imagined it…
  • I'm using the Polar FT7, which was in-stock and on sale when I decided to pull the trigger on one, after reading good reviews on Polars. I don't think I use any functions that aren't available on the FT4 Brent is using. I have no idea how accurate the calorie burn information is, although it does keep track of my heart…
  • I'm doing P90 Masters Sculpt 5/6 and Sweat 5/6 right now. . On most days I'm above 500 for Sculpt 5-6. In the vicinity of 550 for Sweat 5/6 and Abripper 200 combined as one workout. I've gone slightly above 600 for Sculpt and Sweat on some days. I'm using a heart rate monitor, which helps me keep track and has been a…