

  • i don't really see anything wrong with deleting people who you feel won't be using the site much anymore. if they were going strong and randomly dropped off then as their friend you'd probably know something might be up... if they stop using the site they were probably less interested than in the past just before it, i…
  • So happy to see watermelon on your list :P Thanks for posting it! Watermelon & Cucumber fo' life :P
  • I think the biggest thing that helps me is going to bed as early as I can :) Plus I feel better and more energetic in general... If I'm desperate though I'll just eat something like an apple. I don't want this to be some kind of miserable diet where I can't eat anything, it's a lifestyle change so I'm gonna have to find a…
  • I think personally I'd need the image of a trainer to be motivational and inspiring to me... I know it's superficial, but I think I'd be a lot more trusting and involved if they have what I'm striving for. That being said I'm sure there are plenty of obese trainer who are far more knowledgeable than fit ones, I don't…
  • this is really awesome! i'll be joining in next month i think :)
  • mine is of me, but I don't think I'd be comfortable posting a full body picture or whatever like some people can, I'm just not that secure... (not saying that people who do can't be insecure, it just stops me :))
  • I'm 18 and from Australia :)
  • Adelaide, Australia :)
  • I work at a salad shop :D it's perfect for losing weight! Nah I still have to put in quite an effort :) (especially with all the food we get offered from the Asian takeaway place next door) But I guess I do have it easier than some people because when I'm working I am on my feet. I'm only part time and I'm on a gap year…