majazmaja Member


  • Well, this is a strategy ;) I know myself... Sometimes I can be really exhausted after work, that is one issue. Second is that, as a scientist, if I bite on something good there is no way I will let go my work and jump around with Shaun. So morning is the best solution. If I fail in the morning there is still a chance to…
  • Morning guys! Cardio challenge done! I forgot how great is to start my day with exercise. I started at 5:30 AM and now I am at work at still feel great. The workout is great, but I advise you to watch video before to pick up moves. I was modifying all the time because I am totally out of shape and my fitness level is zero.…
  • I will join you tomorrow. Anyone from Europe? Let us inform US guys how it was by training in the morning and posting our "experience" as soon as we are done. ;)