

  • I also pass. Thanks to years of riding horses as a teenager, I think.
  • I have just read a large chunk of this thread and would just like to say... you lot are all bonkers. :laugh: And to the person drinking the tequila, please pass the bottle.
  • I used to have a pic of myself in a bikini ( a rather unflattering one!) on the fridge, but the mirror works better. So taping a mirror to the front seems like a great compromise!
  • Good luck! :happy:
  • Jus, I'd suggest you try proper fasting (i.e. nothing) if you can. If you eat a little bit you'll actually find you are hungrier than if you have nothing. Try coffee, like I said. And just keep busy. If you find it hard then start with 16 hours and then increase to 24 as you get used to it. Just no more than twice a week -…
  • IF is fasting for 24 hours, once or twice a week. It's from dinner to dinner (so I go 7pm to 7pm) so it's really not so hard. I have a max of 2 cups of coffee which really kill the hunger pangs, but otherwise just water. It's actually nice to have a break from wondering what to eat every now and then! There is all sorts of…
  • I do IF and like it. I fast 1 or 2 days a week, depending on my schedule and my goal for that week. The rest of the time I eat a balanced, low-ish carb diet, with one cheat meal a week. Good luck!
  • Have you tried IF (intermittent fasting)? I fast for 24 hours once or twice a week (so no food from 7pm the night before to 7pm the next night, then a meal of around 600-700 calories). On other days I pretty much try and net 1200 calories, with one cheat day a week where I net around 1800 calories. So during an average…
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