

  • Your right about the true southern staple. To this day my grandfather eats the healthy southern way. Little to no meat but lots of beans, rice, veggies, fruits, et..... Different combinations........he's 94 and ticking and still looks good. That's a blessing.
  • I completely agree with you. I do hts. And wts on my preschoolers and I have to track their BMIs it is ridiculous to group all people in one category based off of an unrealistic expectation of society. Bone skinny is so not cute to me. But being healthy is. Have a blessed day.
  • Hello everyone I am Adrianne. I am a new to this site but I love it. I have logged in for 25 days now and it consumes my time. I am divorced, work full time and have one teenaged son (so please pray for me). I decided to embark on this journey of getting back to me a while ago but I would start and stop, start and stop…