

  • Hummus and corn thins. four tablespoons of hummus (whole foods roasted red pepper- yum!) and four corn thins are 232 calories. I find the hummus fills me up...
  • I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism of pregnancy after having my daughter (this was seven years ago). I was put on prednisone which didn't help at all with trying to lose the baby weight. that coupled with nine months of trying to get my synthroid dose worked out made for a horrid time. I gained forty pounds *after* having…
  • I had to give up wheat a few years after breaking out in hives and having joint pain within 20 minutes of eating anything containing wheat. I was tested and my allergist found that I am only allergic to wheat and not the rest of the gluten containing grains. I still eat wheat-based products from time to time (maybe once a…
  • prosecco, with a 1/2 TBS of St. Germaine.
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