Alaynat Member


  • I had the FitBit before getting the Striiv. The two things I liked about the FitBit was the sleep tracker (although I frequently woke up with 200 steps already taken -_-) and how it automatically updated into MFP. Other than that I didn't like it very much. I've had my Striiv for a few weeks and I love it. It challenges me…
  • We've picked out a boy and girls name Boy: Kael James Girl: Arya Beth We fight over the spelling of our girls name. I like it how it is, he wants it Aryia... Silly boys :P
    in Baby Names Comment by Alaynat June 2012
  • Thanks so much! I used to have a FitBit and it was a major plus that it automatically calulated the calories for me and uploaded it to MFP. But, I didn't like the Fitbit all that much (no rewards! :P) so I traded it in and I'm really glad I did!
  • Hey everyone! I just got my Striiv last weekend and have been walking so much! haha I had a question for ya'll, when putting in the calories burned into MFP do ya'll enter the total that the Striiv says or do you like divide it in half and such? Thanks!
  • I am as well! I'm borderline PCOS (which also means a slight insulin resistance) so I'm loosing 20+lbs (I'm currently 150 looking to get to 130-120) to help regulate me and UP my chances! Im so glad I found more people in my boat! :)