PattyPowerHouse Member


  • I totally understand slow isnt quite the same but it is still effective, especially to those who are saying they cant afford the gym and they dont have enough weights
  • Harbinger gloves are the best i have worn, just take out the rod in the palm first before you start hitting the bags. I fight so i use kicks as well so i would get a xxl wavemaster, and almost any heavy bag, but i prefer the water filled bags because they feel like people. You will need a speed bag and a double end bag…
  • For those can't lift heavy becasue there isnt a gym, try lifting slow. It equals the same. Read slowburn or power of 10. 10 seconds up, hold for 2, 10 seconds down. 3 - 5 reps 1 set, if you can get to 5, try a little more weight on the dumbells next time
  • got a 41 rated as excellent and it really wasnt my resting heat rate becasue i just chased the kids out of the house and had a big cup of coffee. I think i am fit, a bit overweight, but i am fit. I dont think i am excellent though
  • New here and the topic got me reading. Was ready to educate someone haha! I am on the 5/3/1 program and deload was last week. Have only 2 weeks before i compete in a fight so I can't start another cycle so instead, yesturday, I decided to do my 1 rep max. Calculated at 205 for a squat and 135 for my bench. I did 2 reps of…