

  • Pottstown, Phoenixville area here.
  • well , I have Panderia.. my main, which is a holy priest is just lvl 88. I am enjoying somewhat, but do like the pet battles. as for my other toons. I have like 5 other level 85's but haven't been really working on getting them to 90... yet.
  • i've tried other races and specs and it seems i always go back to human healing spec.. My favorite is my holy priest.
  • haven't done raids in ages. if i do, its mainly pug ones and they are those dragon soul ones.. fast and easy.. but i am finding time to do more around the house than sit in front of the pc and munch. trying to get out more, even its just for short walks, I'm doing good. snacks for me consists of baby carrots and celery. I…
  • Right now i weigh 233.. which doesn't seem like much to some, but to me,, its horrible.. I've always been over weight.. and i would love to see anything below 200.. milestone would be 199. I don't exercise much thanks to some ulcers on my foot and leg but i do try when i can. its just very depressing/
  • we have set times too, and when we aren't playing.. sometimes we'll work outside in the flower bed or in the vegetable garden. we both use the stationary bike right after we do our morning game time. in the afternoons, I usually do some light areobics or use my little 5 pound dumb bells.. Evening after supper we watch tv,…
  • never heard of it.. but i am willing to try it out. Probably will try different types of seasonings, since in the summer we do use the grill quite often
  • i hope every one has a wonderful and safe holiday weekend.. Hopefully I'll stay within my eating goals.
  • i'm from the Pottstown, Phoenixville area.
    in NEPA Comment by Lin806 May 2012
  • ive been crocheting a sweater for myself and soon to start a baby layette set for my new grand child which won't arrive til fall.
  • i'm on short term disablity right now, so i'm home all the time. I have set certain times to play wow and certain times to stay in the real world, so I am able to get some excercise in between the Azeroth life. I used to be in raiding guilds, hard core ones, but they took up too much of my life and i felt like just a…
  • my name is Linda and i can crochet.. knitting..well. tried that.. just can't get the hang of it.. but been crocheting off and on for years and right now i'm back into doing it in the evenings while watching tv.
  • My main toon is a lvl 85 holy priest.. alliance..I also have other 85's and even one blood elf horde that is priest. lol .. guess i love that healing thing. I do like playing wow, met alot of real nice people..even some in real life.
  • Hi, I"m Linda.. age 56 but whose counting. I've been crocheting off and on for years. Right now I'm working on a crocheted sweater jacket. Half way done, which i hope to finish soon so i can start a baby layette for grand baby #2 coming in September.