

  • I'm in a similar situation. I need to lose about 30lbs. I am on 1500 calories per day and burn off 375 cals each day through cardio. I have not lost any significant weight for about 3 weeks. Feeling really frustrated. I'm hoping it's just I'm just going through one of those plateaus. How are you getting on now?
  • Congratulations!.I've recently restarted MFP and have also lost 3lbs. I upped my calories from 1200 to 1300 as I felt I was plateau-ing and increased the exercise I do (which isn't much). I'm hoping to lose a lb this week.:smile:
  • I have about 40lbs to lose and am just braving 20 mins cardio a day on an exercise bike. There are so many diets out there but I guess the most effective is eat less calories and exercise more. I've just started gentley exercising this week so I hope I lose at least a lb when I weigh myself on Saturday. What daily calorie…