derrickshunny Member


  • hmmm that is interesting! My dr. told me we in the US eat backwards and that we need to eat our big meals earlier in the day, especially breakfast. now I'm not disagreeing with the article, I am just thinking this is gonna be a subject that has differing opinions from the "experts". Personally I just prefer eating my…
  • I'm a 50! That is, I'm a 50 in years, not spirit! I've been on here for about 2mo. I have loved it! I will send you a request to add.
  • yep! 50 this yr. I am post menopausal and have a neuromuscular disease. The weight struggle is harder as we get older, as well as menopausal. I have no doubt the 50 and overs could give some great help and support.
  • Keep up the good work! I'm looking to loose 50-60lbs. It may be an unattainable goal since I have a neuromuscular disease and exercise is more difficult for me. That being said, it won't keep me from trying. I can use all the support I can get! I am sending you a request. Others may add me also! Good luck to all!
  • They need to realize that people will just buy more if they want it! Just like all the healthy choices at fast food places, you can offer it, but you can't make people buy it! You can't govern people into fitness. Just more freedom being lost!