thank you. I only met with her once. I found a new nutritionist that has listened to what my goals and training schedule our and has helped tremendously. In two days I feel completely different. We increased my protein and cal and decreased my carbs. So thank you for the input.
Thank you.
I'm 50%carbs, 25 protein and fat. I'm wondering if my protein is too low.
That's what a nutritionist told me and she has me watching my macros. 50 carbs, 25 fat and 25 protein.
That's what I was wondering. I am also only eat fish. Someone thought I needed to increase my protein too.
I'm interested
How do i add you guys as friends for the support? It's been awhile since I used this app
That wld get me to go to the gym!!! Damb!!! Wish he was near me too!!!
I don't have fm but I was diagnosed w a nondescripitive connective tissue disorder. I have days where I can't walk because everything on my right side hurts. My dr really couldn't help me so I have done my own research. I started juicing to help w fatigue. Made a huge difference and gave up animal products. I read a lot of…
Anyone can add me to. I need support and I'll support you to. I need someone to keep me accountable!!!
If you r having problems with fatigue try juicing. I started juicing about 7 weeks ago and man my energy is up. I also added vit b and flaxseed (to helps ease pain). I found I was missing nutrients that I didn't realize I was. I do 4-5 carrots, either a grapefruit or orange and an apple. Makes a huge difference in how I…
I have a nondescriptive connective tissue disorder and have a hard time working out because of pain. I have a treadmill in my basement and have been put on restrictions of deep water aerobics only. Bad thing is the gym does not fit into my work schedule. I was diagnosed back in dec and march decided I was sick of the pain…
I'm in the same boat. I'm on here daily and if you keep me motivated I'll do the same for you. Just add me as a friend if you want.
I've got 50 plus to lose. You support me and I'll support you!! I need someone to keep me focused and accountable for my actions!!!
I've got 50 plus to lose. You support me and I'll support you!!
I know somewhat what ur going through. I was diagnosed with a non discriptive connective tissue disorder back in dec. My dr couldn't help me find a solution to the pain or fatigue. I did my own research. I found out animal products can increase pain. I gave up animal products march 20. I occasionally have cheese for pizza…
Nitro u can also add me if u want. I'm dealing w a connective tissue disorder and can't workout. I gave up meat about 7 weeks ago and most processed food and it's helping a lot. Hope ur knee gets better.
I'm in the same boat!!! I've been in the 2's so long. I can't wait to get back into the 1's. I need as much support as possible.
I need support too. I have about 50 plus pounds to lose!!! I'm sick of being overweight but I need support. You help me and I will help you!!!