

  • I second all of these recommendations! I would also like to add to this a fifth. Start with baby steps. Pick one thing you know is bad for you, and ditch it. If you feel as though you can successfully complete 7 whole days without it, pick a second. Keep adding your most unhealthy staples to this, one at a time, each week…
  • Agreed times 1,000! I started a new MFP account, so my actual weight loss of 60 lbs doesn't show. But yes! I didn't get there by shunning advice I didn't like. I didn't get there by fad diets ( although I can't say I've never fallen into that trap... But I learned quickly the ultimate FAIL that they are...). I did it by…
  • 2 things to avoid every day, as much as possible, are sodium and sugar. Sodium is like a holding tank for your body. It clings to water (in anything you eat or drink), among other things and encourages bloating! Tossing that out of the equation will make you FEEL like a million bucks. Sugar literally turns to fat. And…
  • I have a side tattoo too! We are warriors for getting through it! Hahaha most painful tat on me!
  • I think the documentary you're talking about is "Food for Change", and you're right. It's phenomenal! The other thing that really helped me understand what I was eating was "Skinny *****", a book. I'll have to look up the author again, but it's really informative. It pushes the organic vegan lifestyle hardcore, which I…
  • The ONLY reason I chose fitbit over Polar is because of the ability to track everything I've done and set goals that sync with my fitbit devices (I have the scale, or Aria as well as the One and the Force) with my phone, iPad and the website. I use those religiously, and they also sync with MFP, which is awesome. Honestly,…
  • It's more often what you're eating rather than how much. Avoid sugar (specifically simple sugars, like sweets and white breads and pastas), and sodium. I've found that doing research on my favorite meals that include these two in order to figure out what and how much of that what goes in them makes creating a healthier…