

  • Don't know if anyone recommended this yet, Bob Harper's Kettlebell video is intense.... I mean I used a 4lb kettlebell the first time doing it. Now I use a 10lb regularly for the whole video. I do use a 25lb kettlebell standing alone, not during the video. (partially because I do everything from turbofire, insanity, p90x,…
  • I used to get shin pain so bad it would delay me for a few days. Have you tried a different pair of shoes? for me, that was what was wrong. My form wasnt wrong, but my shoes were making me hit the ground in a way that it stressed my shins. Also, try increasing stride length and move through your hips. That is using full…
  • Just switched from LoseIt to MFP! I do yoga 6 of 7 days a week, and was particularly looking for a group focused in ashtanga, but this is good for now! I feel a difference in my daily life when I do not do yoga that morning, it is purely invigorating!