_Furio_ Member


  • LOLOLOLOLOL you asked me how someone is supposed to get better at benching. the answer is by benching. I'm not hijacking anything.
  • quite easily. you start with an empty bar and add weight. it's just a debate, try not to get too worried about two people with a difference of opinion.
  • what does the word 'tone' even mean? Stop using it, you're refering to someone who wants to lower their BF%. You won't get strong from doing press ups. you'll get good at doing press ups. to get strong you need to progressively overload your muscles and stay in the correct rep range for strength training. There is nothing…
  • WTF are you talking about? so what if it is a woman? Press ups aren't a good chest builder. doing lots of press ups will just make you good at press ups as there's litte opportunity to progressively overload. The bench press is a superior exercise by a mile. When does a big muscle suddenly become useless and 'do nothing'?…