MeaganFeds Member


  • I really like roasted beets or carrots. For either one, preheat the oven to 375F. For beets: I rinse and peel them then cut into 3/4" pieces. Toss them into a shallow baking dish and toss with some olive oil. Sometimes I put in some garlic, too. Roast them for 40 minutes or so, stirring halfway through. They'll start to…
  • I don't track spices, water, or medication. I've been taking Robitussin and cough drops, but I figure I'm buring off those calories with all my coughing anyway :)
  • I stand at a microscope a lot during the day so I try to do modified leg lifts while I stand there. I also do semi vertical pushups on the countertop or at the edge of my desk.