

  • You explained it perfectly in the second sentence. In order for weight loss to happen, you have to eat less calories than your body needs during the day. This forces your body to use it's calorie reserves for the energy it needs - i.e. excess weight, fat, etc. If your not being strict about your diet, and only tracking…
  • In my experience, if it's getting stuck in the pan, then your pan is way to hot. Keep the pan on a low to medium setting if your not frying it. Oh yeah, have you tried fried tofu? Yummm! I do something similar to: except you can use soy sauce,…
  • Just keep doing what you're doing with walking...if you start going faster than a pace of 3.0 (12min/mile) only do this 2-3 times a week...not twice a day. Many overuse injuries are caused by people doing too much too fast. Start out slow, and very slowly build speed and endurance/time. You might feel great now...which is…
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