SW:197 CW:195 GW:190 Weigh in dates: Start of the month(03/01 Tuesday): 195.2 03/05 Sat: 195 03/12 Sat: 194.2 03/19 Sat: 03/26 Sat: End of the month(03/31 Thursday): Total challenge weight lost: 1 lb Forgot to post on Sat ;) Everyone is doing so well!
SW:197 CW:195 GW:190 Weigh in dates: Start of the month(03/01 Tuesday): 195.2 03/05 Sat: 195 03/12 Sat: 03/19 Sat: 03/26 Sat: End of the month(03/31 Thursday): Total weight lost: 0.2lb Might have been better if we hadn't eaten out last night, and I'd posted yesterday's weight instead ;) I usually weigh on a Tuesday so I…
This seems like a good place to try my first challenge, so I'm in! SW:197 CW:195.2 GW:190 Weigh in dates: Start of the month(03/01 Tuesday): 195.2 03/05 Sat: 03/12 Sat: 03/19 Sat: 03/26 Sat: End of the month(03/31 Thursday): Total weight lost: