

  • Last night I graduated to Level 2, and thought I'd share my "Report Card" -- I am 1/2 inch bigger in the bust and hips, and 1 inch bigger in the waist. -- I lost 1/2 inch off my thighs, and right arm, and 1.5 inches from my left arm! (don't know why so much off the left -- seems odd to me) -- I am 2 pounds heavier than…
  • Right there with you -- I'd hoped that my little belly would be gone by the end of the shred, and that I'd at least see improvement on it by now! The weight thing has been really odd. First I went up nearly three pounds, then I dropped 2.3 in one night, then I've been creeping up again until I'm three pounds up from my…
  • I sure can't SEE a difference yet (today will be my 10th workout) but I can FEEL it. I'm able to do the push ups better, yesterday I was hardly even breathing hard until the third circuit, my calf muscles are firm, my core seems tighter. I'm still not down in weight or inches (actually I'm still up from my start…
  • Oh -- BTW -- for anyone struggling with soreness/stiffness (which I'm assuming is everyone here) -- I HIGHLY recommed doing some gentle yoga to supplement the shred. For my first week I was doing 20 minutes of beginner's yoga with a podcast every morning, and then doing the shred when I got home from work. Then I got lazy…
  • Woo Hoo! That's fabulous gr8pillock! I've been off the rails for the last few days with a pulled hip flexor, but I'm back in the game today. Since I missed 3 days of the shred I'm adding 3 on to the end of my month now. That means that today is day 9 for me on Level 1 (hoping I haven't lost all my stamina!) I still haven't…
  • My Mom (who keeps me accountable on this) keeps telling me to stop weighing, but I can't help it either! Yesterday I was 3 pounds up and .5 inches bigger all over. The good news it that I apparently dropped 2.3 pounds overnight, so I'm *almost* back to where I was when I started the Shred. :) I was hopeful when I started…
  • Hey y'all -- this is my first day on Fitness Pal, and I'm actually joining to help me stay motivated. I'm on day 6 of the Shred, and unfortunately I have GAINED three pounds. I know it's probably just water weight, but has anyone else had a similar experience? I can feel myself getting more stamina, and I know that as bad…