

  • Apparently I was part of that 5% too :/ My doctor didn't help much either, she told me that basically it was my fault for gaining that weight and not being able to lose it... Even though THE ONLY thing that changed in 6 months was the Mirena. Needless to say, I have a new doctor.
  • I HATE MIRENA! I gained 25 lbs in 6 months, and then thank god I got it taken out but am now trying to lose the weight I gained. Mirena makes you think you are constantly hungry. There are side effects that it causes your stomach to not tell your brain it is full and you constantly snack or over eat through out the day. IT…
  • I know exactly how you feel. For the past month I've been eating 1200 calories a day, 5 small meals or "snacks" a day, working out almost every morning and then walking or running again at night and I haven't seen any weight loss. What gives? I'm not starving myself because I'm no hungry at all through out the day since…
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