

  • hannakate16, it sounds to me like you have put you body in starvation mode by eating too few calories a day. Back in the caveman days this was a means by which we survived in dire food times. Our bodies still go into starvation mode when we try to lose weight too quickly by consuming too few calories. I would definitely…
  • I know how it is to be singled out because you may appear to be different from the standard norm in society. You're of Arabian heritage. Some people may judge you solely by your looks or their misunderstanding of your culture. I'm a dwarf. No one else in my family is a dwarf. My father and brother are both well over 6'…
  • Sweetie, you appear to be a very wise and insightful person. I know it can be hard to dump a friend - especially if they are your only friend in real life. However, maybe you can achieve two goals (finding new friends and losing weight) by joining a weight loss group like Weight Watchers, Diet Workshop, etc. Then the third…
  • Please feel free to add me to your list of friends.
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