nasrinab Member


  • Those are all great goals everyone, I have 100% faith you can do it! You got this! My goal is to get back to a normal weight, which I'm about 10-15 pounds away from. Exercise 3-4 times a week. Eat cleaner and better. My eating habits are pretty gross, and I want to feel better and healthier.
  • Thanks for the tip! I will see if I can download that. I did end up just walking on the treadmill yesterday at an incline and it ended up burning so many more calories than I expected. I don't think I ever gave walking it's due. :)
  • Hello — I just want to say that I'm no expert and have no expert advice, but I fully support you and your health goals. You are beautiful already, and unfortunately sometimes our moms and other loved ones can't see that because they already have an image in their heads of what they think beauty really means. I just joined…
  • Hi everyone, my name is Nasrin and I got married on June 1. I started to gain weight during the wedding planning process, and my eating and exercise habits (or lack thereof) have only gotten worse. Monday I went to the doctor and she said I was about 5 pounds away from being overweight, so I thought I'd try to stop the…