:smile: would love it to rain here, so we can get some respite from the drought. No green grass in the gardens. Leave air conditioned home to go to air conditioned car to go to air conditioned work./ shops... amazing how everyone lives in different climates/ regions/ countries.
:smile: Hi , dont know if I could cope with very cold temperatures... never seen snow!!!
:laugh: hi sorry to confuse you 34 celcus is very very hot. Usually in and out of the pool during the day to try and keep cool. Or better still stay indoors in the air conditioning. I've nearly lost 500 gms this week - I think thats close to one pound. Hope you hare having as much good luck. cheers
:smile: Does the weather help to burn calories more?? Its 34 and 99 percent humidity.
:smile: Hi, I've joined as I really need to loose 10 kilos. I've slowed down my fitness routine and unfortunately the weight has crept up behind me!!!! literally.