karenleona Member


  • Friday fitness- not doing so well in the fitness front as I am so exhausted from my 12 hr 10,000 step work days I have no energy on my days off. Gonna try and cut the front lawn today before work tho. Maybe that will count for something?? It is hard work!
  • Food and tracking ok today but took a rest day after my insane past 3 work days!!
  • Won't be able to post properly till tomorrow. Today's weight 330. Not happy. Not been getting near enough water this past 5 days
  • Exercise- 10,000 steps Food - no. My daughter brought me cookies and candies to my work cause it was such a crappy day!!
  • Yes yes and yes
  • Hmm lost post. Yes x 3 but not enough water. No time to drink it at work but 2 l when I got home in the evening
  • Pass # 1. Way too tired to track food but was mindful of what I ate
  • Glad I made it through the day on track x 3!
  • Got over 7500 steps today but 100 over on calories. It is hard on nights cause I have a light meal around 3 them if I stay up all day I have 3 more meals. But I logged it and tomorrow will be better. Going to bed now cause I am super tired.
  • @aeshippers : yup. You are an exercise nutball !! Amazing energy. Makes me tired just thinking about all you do @ 5cheetas : where did your handle come from? 4:45 does not exist on my clock unless I am working nights!! Sounds like everyone had a positive day. I worked hard to get many steps in, stay under calories and log…
  • Walked 2 miles today, logged everything and came in just even for calories. Lost one pound this past week (well, plus the 5 I had gained. Lol)
  • Name:karen Age:60 Height: 5'11 Start Weight 329.8 Goal Weight (week of June 28) 310 Weigh in week of: 1. April 26: 327.4 2. May 3 326.4 3. May 10 4. May 17 5. May 24 6. May 31 7. June 7 8. June 14 9. June 21 10. June 28 Final weight: Saturday, July 1 Weight -/+ this week: -1 Weight -/+ total: -3.4 this was a tough week as…
  • Got 9000 steps today, came in under calories and logged everything!
  • Kind of lost my focus past few days but I am back on track today. Hope I have not done too much damage to myself
  • Congratulations to the April winners circle!! Well done Congrats also to everyone who is trying to live a healthier lifestyle. Never give up! I kinda lost my brain over the weekend from working too many nights. Seem to have things under control again. Got 10,000 steps today , logged everything and came in under calories!!
  • another food party happening at work tonight. ugh. they are killing me. I am going to bring watermelon and my usual yogurt and fruit so the watermelon will be my treat
  • Got some exercise chasing my 3 year old granddaughter around the park trying to teach her how to ride a 2 wheel bike. Logged everything but over by 100
  • Just squeaked through. Glad I did not stop at purdys while I was at the mall
  • @campfirequeen and nikion901. : I totally get it. I am in the same boat. Although I have a house full with my kids and grandkids here, I am still lonely for companionship that I once had in marriage. Some days are tougher than others. NSV. Despite being distressed yesterday I was able to walk out of the mall without…
  • Name:karenleona Age:60 Height: 5'11 Start Weight 329.8 Goal Weight (week of June 28) 310 Weigh in week of: 1. April 26: 327 2. May 3 3. May 10 4. May 17 5. May 24 6. May 31 7. June 7 8. June 14 9. June 21 10. June 28 Final weight: Saturday, July 1 Weight -/+ this week: -2.8 Weight -/+ total: Been a loooong week with a lot…
  • Oh boy. Had so much fun at work all night celebrating the retirement of one of our unit clerks. Way to much food. May not log today. Gonna drink a lot of water every time I wake up so probably won't get much sleep today even tho I am very tired from a busy night. Got 4000 steps before midnight and 5000 from midnight till…
  • Barely squeaked through today. Having a party at work on night shift so tomorrow's total might not be so good
  • Just made it today. Having a party at work tonight so tomorrow may not be so good
  • Yes x 3
  • So busy at work today. Lots of stress. But I bring my meals and and snacks and don't bring any money so I stick with what I planned!! It is tough- trying to learn other coping mechanisms than eating!! Over 10,000 steps today.
  • 5 cheetahs- hope you feel better tomorrow and are filled with energy Lovesretirement- nicely done! am_change- don't wait till you have a perfect day to post! Post whatever you want and perhaps we can help you stay on track. Sounds like things are very busy for you right now. Remember to take care of you! Over 10,000 steps…
  • pribud. Congratulations on losing 20 pounds!! That is fabulous. Not sure how much activity I will get today. Maybe just some housework. Totally shattered after the last two 12 hr shifts. And I go back tomorrow for the first of 3 more!
  • Not gonna lie. This is TOUGH. Trying to re- educate my brain that reaching for food when I am stressed ( which is every day!) is not going to help me at all. Having this challenge is VERY helpful as I do not want to have to post a gain, so that is super motivating. I get lots of steps at work but struggle on my days off as…
  • Apparently it was nice and sunny here today but I worked all day and there are few windows so I missed it!! But I did get lots of steps, tracked my calories and came in under count
  • I hate it when there are u healthy treats in the break room!! Over 10,000 steps today , logged everything and under calories. Yay!!