

  • Hi and thank you so much for welcoming me. I know it won't be easy but I want to really give it my best. i've been praying for motivation to lose weight & I believe God answered. Oh & I won my job's biggest loser competition too, 26 lbs down. This is just a beginning of reclaiming my life & health back. Believing God's…
  • Hi Everyone! I've been seeing this site and my sister recently mentioned she belongs also, so I finally took the plunge and joined. I've really become very active since Mid-March as far as working out is concerned. I started a Biggest Loser Competition @ work. And it has been crazy!! I've lost about 26 lbs since mid-march…
  • Hi Good Morning. I totally understand how you feel with the "wanting to cry" part. In March, I started a Biggest Loser Challenge in my department @ work. I've lost 20 something pounds since mid-march. I've lost at every weigh-in, and today is the finale, final weigh-in. I worked out during the week and weekend to the point…