ryzeman Member


  • Glad to see you, Syd and Ann, are doing well. As for my parents, dad 90 mom 84. They understand not visiting but I can't get my mom to accept not going shopping etc. The best she would say is, well we can go together. NO! So I call every couple of days and hope for the best. The scuttlebutt out there says a national…
  • So, I go out to shop at 7am. It was fine, but going that early meant slim pickins in the meat department. So far just an inconvenience. Washington State has had many cases of the coronavirus, but I am very relieved we have now shut down all non essential services. The coming weeks should show a slowing. The weather has…
  • Edit- the deaths stand at at least six from the nursing home.
  • Syd- How exciting and exhausting moving to your "forever" home! I am looking forward to a pic of your new place. Thanks for not forgetting about us during this busy time! We spent the weekend in the Seattle area visiting our sons and grandson. The corona virus has hit this part of Washington especially bad. Our grandsons…
  • Just checking in with you all. Good luck with the move Syd, I hope it goes smoothly. I am sure I speak for all of us when I say- "Looking forward to your house warming party!" :drinker:
  • Spain would be amazing! Also on my bucket list would be eastern Mediterranean and a Panama Canal cruise. Syd, when we moved I enjoyed going through all our crap, and throwing away stuff. It was cleansing to me soule! Happy Valentine's Day to all my favorite lushes! <3
  • Syd- time to retire that donkey, as I am sure his balls have had all the hair sucked off them! You will get a buyer, and soon! In the meantime, meditation and hanging out with us should make this difficult time go a little better. We hosted a family superbowl party attended by a dozen or so. My dad had a very good day and…
  • Amy your vacation plans sound wonderful! Syd, yes hearing about Kobe's death was shocking. Like you said, appreciate life. The power company sounds like customer service is not something they care about. I guess when you are a monopoly you can get away with that. Being without heat or water is unacceptable. Darla is at the…
  • Nice job on the zeros Amy! My dad is doing as expected for a 90 year old. The plan is to keep him comfortable. So far so good. Darla's dad has Parkinson and it is progressing to where he has hallucinations. When he comes out of it he remembers and realizes what is happening. It has to be frightening to know your brain is…
  • Congratulations Syd! Wonderful news. Now on to the next, best chapter of your lives! :heart:
  • Yup, Syds meme sums it up! Have a wonderful New Year everyone!
  • Darla had sinus surgery today. I know, Christmas Eve and all. Unfortunately we couldn't pick the date for this. She is in for a miserable few days, followed by a week of soreness. :(
  • We celebrated our family Christmas over the weekend. There will be one more at my brother's house on the 26th. Syd, your menu looks yummy! To everyone, enjoy your families! Eat, drink, and be merry!
  • Family Christmas here today, got the turkey in this morning. Dad is home and is sleeping a lot. All is well. Have a great weekend all!
  • Amy, the steak and crab diet is one I can get behind! Syd, I am glad your house hunting went well! So much going on this time of year, perhaps looking for a house you will have less competition. Will it be a one story home? That was a must for us as we slid into retirement. NO more STAIRS! My dad is back in the hospital…
  • Down two pounds! Yes Syd, I eat more when I don't drink, but don't eat as many calories as I would have drank. So, all in all, a win! How did the house hunting go?
  • Amy- if the plan works- GO FOR IT! Weigh in day after tomorrow, we'll see if the zeros pay off.
  • Zeros for four days now. Don't worry about me tho, as weed is legal in WA State. :devil: Getting ready for the holiday festivities. Trying to keep my sanity.
  • Hiya Robin, Sydney and Amy! I can't believe it is December already. We had a good thanksgiving. We hosted for the family- about 12 people. Then, a few days later, we went to our oldest son's house and had a smaller thanksgiving with him, his son, and his girlfriend. He couldn't make the first thanksgiving as he was in…
  • Crazy time of year, our Thanksgiving is no exception. We will be hosting the "main" Thanksgiving on the Sunday before the actual Thanksgiving. One son will be out of town on a business trip during the actual Thanksgiving. So around a dozen family members here for that. On the actual Thanksgiving we will be at our son's…
  • The doctor appointment went well. We talked with her for an hour and I took notes. My dad seems relieved that there is a plan in place when its needed. Syd, I may need to borrow that page out of you playbook about no eating drinking after 7. It just may work for me.
  • Thanks Amy. Loosing your father at 63 is heart breaking. (I am 63 so that makes me appreciate life all the more.) I took my mom and dad to Virginia Mason Hosp in Seattle Tuesday for a followup on my dads throat surgery. It went well but the traffic was horrendous. What should have been a 65 min trip ended up being 2.5…
  • "Birthday celebration for my SIL at the beach yesterday so that meant wine of course. Another birthday party Saturday so my wine consumption hasn't been moderated much this week. Some weeks are better than others and I just refuse to beat myself up about it. (It's the new retired/zen me) " Good comment, esp about not…
  • Dad, mom and myself went in yesterday to meet with the Dr about hospice. They had neglected to put his appointment on the schedule so, no meeting. Very frustrated. Its hard enough to take this step and then to be told they hadn't set the time for him about made me blow my stack. He has a tentative meeting with the Dr the…
  • Thanks for the kind words Gwen and Robin. Hi Robin! Its great to hear from you again. I may have to try that no alcohol thing you and Gwen are doing! Robin- Congratulation on your decision to retire next year! You won't regret it!
  • Thank you Sydney. <3
  • I see lots of us are back on the thread! That makes me happy. As far as I am going, I feel a lack of focus on myself as events seem to distract me from taking care of myself. Just when I make up my mind to start with the exercise and eating/drinking healthier, something seems to get in the way. Last night my mom called me…
  • Its been a while since we heard from Robin. Does anyone have an alternate method? Maybe I will see if she has a FB page.