

  • I'm starting week 4 today! I'm doing a new workout today, Fire 45. I like to preview the ones I haven't done yet before I do them...and I am definitely going to feel the burn today! :) Next Thursday I get to track my 1 month results! So excited! I also get to see my husband soon for the first time in 6 months! (I had a…
    in Check in Comment by JessDaniC April 2013
  • I'm starting week 4 today! Whoohoo! Keep it up! :)
  • I am starting week 3 today! I have lost about 6lbs since I started the program! 6 more pounds until I reach the first of many goals! Love this program!
  • I have been working out since February and it hasn't affected my supply too much. Recently I started the weaning process though. I have a great supply of milk built up in the freezer and it needs used. I plan on nursing in the morning and at night for a while once I get down to that point. Then take it from there. But…
  • I'm going to buy Turbo Fire after I'm done having kids. A friend of mine had twins in August and went from a sz 16 to a sz 9 since then. She started around November and continues to see results. Makes me want to do it now...but I really want to wait since we will be trying for another here soon. Good luck choosing!