habright Member


  • My “success” this year isn’t visible but I recommitted to a regular exercise schedule. I joined the Y about a year ago but didn’t start regularly attending exercise classes until early this year. I made it a priority and even though it sometimes feels like I am moving mountains to get there, I have stuck with it.
  • I almost never complete my daily journal. It's usually not intentional; I just forget. I have been paying attention to my calories but know I would be discouraged at 1200 a day which is where my goal is set. I exchange some of the calories I earn through exercise but really just try to stay around 1500 or 1600 a day. Over…
  • You are so sweet, Jaime!!! Thank you for the shout out. I do feel good. :) I'm working hard to Get Fit!
  • The best motivators for me are a commitment I won’t back out of (i.e. a plan to meet a friend at the gym) or a competition (I want to win!). I have read many times that motivation is like a muscle and gets stronger the more you use it. I have to agree with that from my own personal experience. When I’m really motivated and…
  • Heather Bright in Human Resources :smile:
  • When I am consistently working out, it is always in the morning. It’s brutal and I dislike it but there is almost never a reason why it can’t be done other than “I don’t want to.” In the evening there are always “more important things” (e.g. kids’ activities, dinner prep, something to do which requires a shower after…