HawtSauce09 Member


  • Enjoy your vacation but certainly do not go BANANAS over it. Be active when you can, hop in the pool and burn some calories, choose lower calorie less sugary drinks. its vacation time its important to live and and enjoy and be balanced! Moderation NOT deprivation!
  • Totally Boss advice!! Im a tiny tot and I hit the gym like a mega machine because i am in love with it. I am not totally consistent with entering my food in my diary but i usually push around 2000 a day minimum. Being as active as you are you need to get over being scared of gaining weight from eating food. if you eat…
  • Define Single haha. knaw striaght up single.
  • Sorry no wakey uppy call today because what do you call a bicycle with its kick stand out? Two Tired. Have a great day and stay classy. Haha