dmd721 Member


  • I avoid dairy generally because it does not agree with me either - it causes my face to break out like crazy, among other things. Dairy is one of the most common food allergies, and cow's milk is actually the most common allergy amongst little ones (most outgrow the allergy by the time the reach childhood). Almond milk and…
  • I always crave apples, eggs and peanut butter.
  • As long as the ingredients in the protein are as clean as possible, then I don't see a problem with it. Of course, it is best to eat real food for meals, but I know that everyone's schedule is different and it's not always possible to do so - that's where a high-quality protein can work wonders. If you're replacing a meal,…
  • My new normal from Chipotle is a salad with chicken, black beans, brown rice and corn salsa. Yummy, and just about 616 calories (plus a ton of protein and fiber). Not only do I track my food here, but I also try to eat for my blood type, so that's why certain things are left off the salad. This way of eating is a whole…